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#academic-competitions Competition Question Writing Contest!

SAT Score Range

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This series was cancelled on November 16, 2024. We're very sorry–you can explore more Enrichment series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


📝 In this 4 week period, we will host a question writing contest where you will need to submit 1 or more questions with a written solution. These can be easy questions from AMC 8 to IMO, as well as science and technology competitions like USABO and USACO.


- You must write at least 1 question with a correct solution.
- You must be the creator of the question(s), if you are working in the team please make sure to write all team members on the PDF.
- Submissions will be in PDF so feel free to scan a written document, download a google document, and more!
- Have fun!!!

🧑‍⚖️Judging Criteria:
Here are some questions our judges will be looking at!

- Does this question have some unique topic or ask a intresting question?
- Is the solution to the problem correct? Did the writer explain the solution well?
- Was the problem appropriate and fun?
- Does it have elements of a competition question? (ex. Problem Solving > Computation)
- If the student is lacking in one of the above areas, do other problems have interesting ideas?

Note: If you have more then 1 problem, then those problems are bonus, and will not be held against you, only for you.

Tutored by

Aarav T 🇺🇸

Senior Tutor

Certified in 21 topics

View Profile

Hello everyone! My name is Aarav T. I discovered SchoolHouse while exploring the wonderful world of online learning and have gotten obsessed. I am currently working on several passion projects including co-founding an academic-competition subworld and have already aided in the establishment of a slack channel. I am currently learning Pre-calculus and am very competitive! If you are ever interested in math competition prep, or any general math contact me! (+DM me if you want to play some chess!). I am tutor in Reading & Writing, Enrichment, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, History, Statistics, and Computer Science.



There will most likely only be one session which will be the award ceremony! Not required to attend :)

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