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Competitive Art Club

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This series was cancelled by the tutor on November 4, 2024. We're very sorry–you can explore more Enrichment series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


In the Competitive Art Club, we will go through different challenges we randomly select every week. For example, let's say the challenge is only using one specific color to draw. I believe trying new challenges can teach us things and I hope I can achieve that by showing you and helping you experience it as well!!

Tutored by

demitria l 🇺🇸

View Profile

¡Hola chicas and chicos! I'm a sophomore in North America. I have many goals I would like to complete this year, such as getting a driver's license, working at a job, and making a friend. I have a passion for roller skating, writing, and drawing. A career I would like to choose would maybe be an eye doctor, FBI, or tattoo artist. Lastly, I hope I can make a difference in schoolhouse by helping students to pass a class :)



You are free to attend/skip whichever sessions you want, but I'd prefer if you try to do your best to attend each session.

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