Thahalaathmiga's SAT BC Onboarding Session
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My name is Thahal, I'm a senior in high school from Texas, and I’ve tutored 4 SAT Bootcamps myself: 2 Reading & Writing, and 2 Math. I've loved my time tutoring at Schoolhouse, and am excited to help you guys start your journey as a tutor :)
Join this Onboarding Session required for Tutors participating in their first SAT Bootcamp! You’ll go over useful tutoring skills and have the chance to meet other Bootcamp tutors like you.
Tutored by
Hi, I’m Thahal and I’m a high school senior from Texas. I love listening to music anytime and anywhere, and I also have a LOT of other activities I love like tennis, swimming, dance, and singing. I joined Schoolhouse to try my hand at tutoring because I love learning but also really love sharing my knowledge with others because I believe it is the best way to achieve mastery of a subject.
Attendance is required! Please register for a different onboarding session if you cannot make it to this one.
SAT Bootcamp Onboarding
SAT Bootcamp Onboarding
Sat 11:00 PM - Sun, 12:00 AM UTCFeb 1, 11:00 PM - Feb 2, 12:00 AM UTC
Onboarding session for new SAT tutors!