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Psychology For Beginners

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This series was cancelled by the tutor on February 20, 2023. We're very sorry–you can explore more Enrichment series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


This course is friendly for all ages and grade-levels. It's open to anyone and the only requirement is a curiousity about psychology and how the mind works. The course is intended to cover a wide range of topics at a relatively fast pace to give you breadth of knowledge in a variety of areas. After the course, you're left to your own curiousity to lead you to further discoveries. I'm excited to serve as your guide on a journey through the mind.

Tutored by

Divine P 🇳🇬

Certified in 26 topics

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Hello I'm a high school student who's passionate about Math, Physics and Computers. Feel free to drop in and say hi if you feel like chatting. Hope to help people with their concerns. You can check out my certifications and see if you need help on those topics Excited to be a part of this global community!



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