Enrichment • Series
Building a Coding Course Curriculum
Chace C
This series ended on April 5, 2023. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.
Series Details
DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a traditional series.
The end goal is to build a video that introduces new learners to programming in an effective, engaging manner.
All learners are welcome; if you have programming experience please consider joining! The purpose of this series is to work together with others and consider everyone’s perspective to create the best explanation for new coders.
If you have no experience with coding, don’t worry! Just by listening and asking questions, you will get a head start on your coding journey :)
The series is split into five parts:
1. Brainstorm - collect all of our ideas
2. Storyboard - organize and order our ideas
3. Prototype - start to build scripts / animations
4. Build - start to build what will be the end result
5. Finalize - finish step 4 and clean up audio/video quality and effects
As of now, there is one session dedicated to each part. However, we will not move on to the next part without finishing the part we are on, even if it means adding more sessions after the first five.
If you have any questions or concerns, please message either me personally or the group chat thread for the series!
Tutor Qualifications
I started programming six years ago!
You can see my sketches here:
And my other projects here
You will be withdrawn from the series if you have two unexcused absences in a row
March 21 - April 5
23 / 30
Total Sessions
About the Tutor
I'm love mathematics, programming, and helping others! My goal is to introduce learners to new topics and inspire them to continue their journeys.
View Chace C's Profile