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Create Games, Websites and Learn to DEBUG

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This series was cancelled by the tutor on August 24, 2023. We're very sorry–you can explore more Computer Science series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


Are you always keen to start coding but really dont know where and how to get started? Well maybe you can start with websites and cool games like Super Mario! This session is for people that have never coded before or have really less experience in coding (I can only host this if I have atleast 1 cohost ready to help debug as tutoring and debugging at the same time can be difficult)

Tutored by

Ayushi M 🇮🇳

Certified in 2 topics

View Profile

I am Ayushi, A high school junior that loves everything technology! - AI, ML, Robotics etc etc. My hobbies are writing poems and listening to music



You are free to attend/skip the topics you have prior knowledge about.

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