peer tutoring, for free.
Free SAT® Prep, as part of a research study.
SAT® Bootcamps
Free SAT® Prep, as part of a research study.
Get free help applying to college.
College Admissions Workshops
Get free help applying to college.
A global network of volunteers.
Explore Tutors
A global network of volunteers.

Free online tutoring, with students like you.

Join our small-group SAT® Bootcamps, College Admission Workshops, and Math Learning Labs, or get extra homework help with any subject. It's completely free!

Join Schoolhouse for virtual, small-group tutoring in SAT® prep, math, and more!

Powered By

From the Founder Of

We are a non-profit with the mission of connecting the world with free, peer-to-peer tutoring. is founded by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy.

Founded by Sal Khan

CEO of Khan Academy and






Official U.S. State Partners

  • The New York Times
  • USA Today
  • The Christian Science Monitor
  • The Los Angeles Times

Ways to Learn 📓

Learners and tutor in an SAT Bootcamp session
SAT® Bootcamps

Join a 4-week bootcamp to prep for your next SAT.

Taking the SAT this fall? Learn test-taking strategies, work on practice tests, and receive personalized support through a virtual bootcamp with 5 - 10 fellow students and a certified, trained peer tutor who has already excelled on the SAT. This program is part of a research study on the impact of a no-cost, online SAT tutoring program.

College Admissions Workshops

Reach your college goals.

Unlock your college potential with expert guidance on essays, applications, and more from experienced tutors and mentors.

Students working on college applications with mentors
Learner and tutor using whiteboard during Live Help
Small groups and live help

Get the support you need.

Join small-group sessions, or get live one-on-one support when you need more personalized learning. Whether you’re prepping for a test, tackling tough concepts, or brushing up for your next school year, our certified peer tutors are here to help.

Get help with math, test prep, and more.

SAT® Prep

Meet our volunteer tutors 👋





Schoolhouse is powered by a global community of certified, trained tutors (many of whom are high-schoolers themselves!) who are passionate about learning and giving back.


Tutor from USA

We help students go above and beyond 🚀

Get Certified

Showcase what you've learned.

Schoolhouse Certifications let you prove your mastery of Khan Academy math units–and allow you to become a tutor, yourself. We'll provide you one portfolio that showcases it all–it looks great for colleges, too!

Certifications demonstrating mastery in math subjects
Tutors can host sessions for learners who need help
Become A Tutor

Teach what you know.

As a Schoolhouse tutor, you can give back to other learners who need it the most, while gaining leadership experience and volunteer hours. We welcome students to become tutors–no prior experience is required!

For Teachers

We support your classroom with free peer tutoring.

Homework help, concept reinforcement, and more–so your students can feel confident to tackle their next day in class.

View of learners in a teacher's class

Community Voices 📣

During the pandemic, everything went out of order. Later on, I stumbled upon It was amazing since I didn't have to pay, reveal my personal details, and I did not have a hard time using it since it is very accessible. The global community amazed me. It was amazing that a shared love for learning integrated different people from different parts of the world.

Christine A

Learner from the Phillippines 🇵🇭

I joined Schoolhouse in August 2021, hoping to find a new outlet to tutor others and give back to the community. I didn't expect to be welcomed into such a wonderful, tight-knit community. Everyone at Schoolhouse is compassionate about learning and willing to work together to make this platform as amazing as possible!

Maya B

Tutor from United States of America 🇺🇸

Join our movement to connect the world through learning.

Proudly Supported By is founded by Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy.

Sal Khan

Founder of Khan Academy and

Arne Duncan, the former US Secretary of Education, is part of the board.

Arne Duncan

Former US Secretary of Education

University Partners

Official State Partners

SAT® and AP® are trademarks registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this website. peer tutoring, for free.


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