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Algebra 1 Series

SAT Score Range


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This series was cancelled by the tutor on June 5, 2024. We're very sorry–you can explore more Algebra 1 series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


I plan on covering every Algebra 1 Khan Academy topic from Unit 1: Algebra Foundations to Unit 15: Irrational numbers. Learners do not need to have their microphones or cameras on. However, learners should engage in the series as much as possible by paying utmost attention during sessions, answering questions when provided, or asking questions if confused. Learners are free to unmute to answer a question or ask a question, or they can just type their answers/questions in chat.
*Please note that new sessions to this series are continuously being added.

Tutored by

Shaho S đŸ‡ºđŸ‡¸

Certified in 4 topics

View Profile

Hi, I am a high school student from Connecticut and I want to help others understand math and science topics. In my free time, I like to hang out with my friends and play sports.



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