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Pre-algebra course

SAT Score Range

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This series was cancelled by the tutor on November 17, 2024. We're very sorry–you can explore more Pre-Algebra series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


Each session we will go to 1 or 2 Units from the course with Kahoots and I'll share with you Anki flashcards with the theory and exercises with feedback separated by Unit. Also, you will be do this active and dynamic (I will relate each topic to your hobbies for make it more comprehensive and fun). Optional we can set a project (like explaining the course to others or create your own function). And you can ask me questions in english and spanish, about your homework, a problem that it does not make sense or with topic from other units of pre-algebra. I can change some session for cover the specific doubts that you all have, so relax. I'll do my best for you all ^^

Tutored by

Shiquihno T 🇵🇪

Certified in 14 topics

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I love to compose (tales, songs and poems), sing, code, play piano, read, maths, science, learn and teach (my philosophy is that knowledge is like legos that build together and it becomes each lego easier to put). I also know spanish, so don't be afraid to ask a question in spanish/english. And, my resolution is to become the greatest inventor (artistically and in engineering) that I can be.



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