Let's Learn Algebra 1!
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This series was cancelled by the tutor on August 20, 2023. We're very sorry–you can explore more Algebra 1 series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.
How can I solve for x? What is a function? What is a quadratic function?
Do you want to answer all these questions, and more? Then join in for this Algebra 1 series! Whether you want a review, are currently taking algebra 1, or are just curious to learn; this series is for you. Each week, we will be focusing on one algebra topic. We will have a session on Saturday and Sunday, starting with orientation. Office hours will be on weekdays. Make sure to come to each session prepared with a pencil and scratch paper.
Here is a list of the topics we will cover:
Unit 1: Algebra foundations
Unit 2: Solving equations & inequalities
Unit 3: Working with units
Unit 4: Linear equations & graphs
Unit 5: Forms of linear equations
Unit 6: Systems of Equations
Unit 7: Inequalities (systems & graphs)
Unit 8: Functions
Unit 9: Sequences
Unit 10: Absolute value & piecewise functions
Unit 11: Exponents & radicals
Unit 12: Exponential growth & decay
Unit 13: Quadratics: multiplying and factoring Unit 14: Quadratic functions & equations
Unit 15: Irrational numbers
Series duration: 3-4 months as there is a lot to go through
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Please message me each time you have to miss a session!
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