Wilman and Eric, you demonstrated a thorough understanding of the concepts that you went through in this session. The ability to seamlessly shift from one topic to another shows that you've achieved full mastery on the subject. One thing I particularly liked was how you tailored your tutoring by giving tips to the learner based on your own experience, such as at 37:38. You talked about something that helped you personally, which allows the learner to be more trusting of your instruction. I also like that you wrote on the screen to provide written version of your process as it eases understanding on the learner's end. Your collaboration also deserves commendation; it's evident that you're maximizing your potential as a tutoring duo and are supplementing each other's tutoring. Overall, you did a great job conveying your own expertise on the subject to the learner. Keep it up!
Tutor · 7 mo. ago