For a lack of a better way to say it, Caleb’s skillset is one that I would be very happy to see in an experienced and professional college professor.
Learner · 20 days ago
Thank you!!! I now feel more prepared with the new tips/skills for the R&W segment of the SAT.
Learner · 6 mo. ago
I appreciate how patient is when helping us go through questions. it's encouraging,
Learner · 6 mo. ago
Thank you for explaining the questions of why they were wrong or right. It really helped me to understand those type of questions better.
Learner · 6 mo. ago
Your session was great, and I realized how we weren't very communicative even though we are supposed to be tutors and should be more open, you still handeled the silent situatiosn well. You were friendly, open and communicative.
Learner · 4 mo. ago
Thank you so much for explaining the different concepts so that we can understand them better. I did learn few new skills and tips to use for the SAT. Your explanations are very detailed and easy to understand.
Learner · 6 mo. ago
I love the energetic vibe in the sessions. Thanks for the session!
Learner · 6 mo. ago
Very patient, considering how online learning goes with how few people participate.