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Connor @


Joined Apr 2021 · 10:23 PM Local

Upcoming Sessions

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Past Sessions

13 Sessions

Pre-Algebra · session

General Pre-Algebra Q&A

I will take questions and then answer them with practice problems and explanations!

Connor @

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

General Pre-Algebra Q&A

I will take questions and then answer them with practice problems and explanations!

Connor @

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


We will go through the varying definitions of how to look at decimals and show you how to manipulate them (adding, subtracting, dividing, multiplying)!

Connor @

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Reading and interpreting data

We will take a look at various types of graphs you will see and practice seeing what these mean and how to interpret the data!

Connor @

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Roots, exponents, & scientific notation

I will go through definitions of the terms, demonstrate ways to manipulate them, and go through a few practice problems!

Connor @

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Negative numbers and coordinate plane

I will explain definitions of these terms, demonstrate them, then do some practice problems involving negative numbers and the coordinate plane!

Connor @

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


I will be going over decimals! I will first be going over the way to talk about decimals, then I will be talking about ways to manipulate them. I will go over how to add, subtract, divide, and multiply simple decimals at first and then I will go over complex decimals after.

Connor @

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

General Pre-Algebra Q&A

Arithmetic properties (rounding, order of operations), Factors and Multiples, Reading and Interpreting Data, Measurement, Fractions, Decimals, the Coordinate Plane, Ratios/Proportions, Equations and Inequalities, Exponents/Scientific Notation — I can answer any questions about the above subjects! I will open by taking suggestions, and if there aren't any specific questions, I will do a short demo of each that I can come up with.

Connor @

Session ended.

Algebra 1 · session

Algebra foundations

Algebra foundations! I will be giving a brief introduction to the foundations of algebra, including: What is a variable? What is an expression? How do we evaluate expressions with one variable, and what if we have two variables? How do we handle negative numbers, and what does it mean to combine like terms? I will be answering all of the above questions, as well as whatever else you may request!

Connor @

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


I will be introducing area and what unit squares are! After a brief introduction, I will introduce using different unit squares, counting unit squares to find the area formula, and introduce the area formula. After that, I will go over different aspects of calculating perimeter, and finally I will go over volume!

Connor @

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session

Ratios and rates

At the beginning of the session, I will ask questions to see if there is any particular topic that needs to be cleared up. Then, I will be explaining the way to think about proportions! To demonstrate this, I will talk about recipes, graphs representing proportions, and the way this relates to ratios and rates. I will explain how these numbers can be converted to each other (percents, decimals, and fractions), and finally I will explain how to find average rates from word problems.

Connor @

Session ended.

Algebra 1 · session

Algebra foundations

Algebra foundations! I will be giving a brief introduction to the foundations of algebra, including: What is a variable? What is an expression? How do we evaluate expressions with one variable, and what if we have two variables? How do we handle negative numbers, and what does it mean to combine like terms? I will be answering all of the above questions, as well as whatever else you may request!

Connor @

Session ended.

Pre-Algebra · session


Decimals! To begin the session, I will be reviewing the way to think about decimals in words. Then I will be comparing them to fractions, and I will finish the session by covering the general principles of how to add, subtract, divide, and multiply decimals. I will be providing a few example problems and allow the students to engage with my questions using polls!

Connor @

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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