I loved the variety of practice problems that you included and how you used them to drive your session. For example, when you were covering le futur proche, I really liked how you first reviewed what she already knew, then introduced the basics and asked her to do some practice. After that, you continued building off of what she knew and the results of her practice for the rest of the lesson. The fact that you were able to tailor the learning to her needs in such a flexible manner shows your mastery of the material. Every time she asked you to go over a new topic, you flawlessly drafted up a lesson without any hesitation or review. In a language like French where there are so many nuances to understanding grammar rules and the language itself, the fact that you were able to do this spontaneously and not make any errors whatsoever definitely shows that you're experienced with the language. Also, just generally speaking, you have a great understanding of the language itself. Your pronunciation was on point, you remembered all the grammar nuances, and every time she had a question about a vocabulary word or conjugations, you knew the answer right away. Overall, amazing job here Jules!
Tutor · 1 yr. ago