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Mohammadamin Y


Joined Mar 2024 · He/Him · 8:15 PM Local


Hey! I am Mohammadamin, and I am a highschooler from Iran. I have a National Biology Olympiad medal, so hit me up if you have any bio questions!


Apr 2024 - Present

Iran, Islamic Republic of







Countries Reached


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100% Mastery
SAT® Prep
SAT Reading & Writing
SAT Math


Eliza T
Jana N
Azin M
Abdul Shohid S
Hannah W

Upcoming Sessions

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Featured Feedback


Thanks for teaching me little by little since I do not have much knowledge on the topic! A man who loves what he is doing and professional! Thanks for your suggestions!

Learner · 6 mo. ago

You did a great job breaking down the combinatorics and permutations the learner struggled with. You used many examples and wrote out your work. You were easily able to try different examples when the learner continued to be confused. I think it was especially helpful when you showed that 10!/7! is 10*9*8. Since that is perhaps obvious to the tutor and not the learner, it showed empathy and insight to break that down from so many angles.

Tutor · 9 mo. ago

Chill guy with a lot of knowledge and some good friends. From what I have seen, he is not only knowledgeable but also a very responsible and caring individual. It seems like he would make a great teacher. Additionally, I find it impressive that he prioritized his time to help me even when he was busy. That shows a level of dedication and commitment that is admirable. I was able to benefit from his guidance and I hope to continue to learn from him in the future. Thank you so much!

Learner · 9 mo. ago

You did a great job engaging the learner in explaining the underlying concepts behind the original Biology discussion. You asked him what he knew and tweaked his explanations to draw new connections between terms so he knew how they related. You also listened to the learner when he told you what he already knew and was comfortable with tackling that day. You asked him if he had studied these problems before and were supportive when he indicated he had forgotten some information. You also asked him small enough questions (how many ways can you order x-number of triangles, for example) that he could engage even when he felt overwhelmed.

Tutor · 9 mo. ago


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