You could tell that you really care about your learners because of how much you checked up on them and their needs. For example, you took time to ask each learner if they had Bluebook as they entered, and gave help signing in when they needed it. During this help, you provided nice explanations to walk the learner through the platform. It was great that you called on the learners by name when you thought they might be struggling. You seem to already have a good relationship with you learners, but in the future, you could try to foster this relationship even more to make them feel especially supported. Just be yourself and let them know you are a friend. For example, if you want to make sure a learner is paying attention, instead of using phrases like "you must be following," you could check in with questions like "Which part of this if most confusing? We can go over it again!" This way, the learner will feel cared for! I appreciated that you explained why it was important that she pay attention afterwards as well. Spending more time on the fun welcome question also makes you feel more like an equal rather than just a teacher. Keep all your great practices up!
Tutor · 4 mo. ago