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Evan L


Joined Sep 2021 · 2:19 AM Local

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Past Sessions

3 Series

SAT Reading Prep

    Ended Sun, May 8, 2022

MIT is now test-mandatory, you know what that means. Hello everyone! My name is Evan, and in these sessions, we will be going over SAT reading past tests. I’ll share my exact thought process behind each question, and also how to replicate it. I scored 1590 (400R, 390W) on the Aug 28 2021 test. This course is intended for people scoring between the 1300 - 1500 range, although I’m sure anyone can come away with something from these lectures/sample problems. The test is also mainly based primarily on the reading section. I strongly encourage that before you attend our first session, you begin this test provided. We will be meeting online for 80 mins every week on Sunday. Have the completed test with you. Every week (~5 week course) there will be a new test that I hope you will be able to get done. Practice, especially by full tests, is the only way to improve. I will only be doing the reading sections for these specific tests, so I won’t be looking at the math (although I also recommend doing them just to get a feel for the test.) Treat the test like an actual test, so no distractions: phone, music, timed breaks. Really try your best, make the most out of each test. Also, if you must guess, guess, but make a note of that in your test and during the session, treat it as if you got it wrong. During the sessions, I would also really love you to participate and really try to think and figure out how you got each question wrong, and how you could do better. I'm not joking, this is genuinely interesting to me. I love questions on this stuff, and questions are crucial to improvement. Here are some key tips that might help before the first sample test. The answer is always in the text. Simpler, the better/keep it literal. Wrong answers are always wrong for a reason (in the text). Assume that the SAT has consistent logic. Find the SPECIFIC evidence for each answer (why does this evidence not apply to other answers?). Be a pedantic nerd. READ the questions. Secondary tips: The less extreme, the better. Read the blurb. Don’t infer/add extra info. When the question refers to one part of the passage, it only refers to that one. Usually, the main idea is in the last and first sentence or last and first paragraph of each paragraph or passage. Check and check again if time is on your side.

Evan L

Series ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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