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Enni L


Joined Sep 2024 · She/Her · 1:41 AM Local


Hello! I'm currently a high school senior who lives in Seattle. I'm excited to join Schoolhouse to help others learn and grow confident in their skills. I participate in speech and debate and love reading, listening to music, and going for long walks.


Oct 2024 - Present

United States of America







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2 / 8 Topics
SAT® Prep
SAT Reading & Writing
SAT Math
AP Biology


Valerie B
Iris L
Sanjay S
Daneelia E
Esther H
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Featured Feedback


Thank you for always being consistent to thoroughly go over the examples or even our struggles under the time needs! Especially when you give us so much time to find our answer, or even help guide our thinking when we do the examples, since we can decipher how we are answering them and if we could improve our method of thinking. Afterward when you always respond to our process of thinking, or even emphasize your 3 step method: summarizing what the passage means, pick out points important in answering the question, and choosing the answer best fitting with those points (ideawise or grammatically), it helps me clarify and remember what we went over more clearly! So thanks for making these questions seem less intimidating, and more of this quicker process when choosing our answers! From the beginning to end of class, it didn't feel like a struggle since you clearly went over these cues we would need to find, analyze, and decipher, even when I took extra time to figure out some things. So overall, being in class was an enlightening, and fun experience, especially with your curiosity about us as your students!

Learner · 3 mo. ago

I love how you provide instant feedback after giving us time to think through the questions and clarify how we should analyze the text to make good connections with the questions we are answering. Along with your patience I enjoy you reassuring us that we can think through the questions and try not to feel intimidated by them.

Learner · 4 mo. ago

Thank you for going over many of the practice questions on the practice test with us and being able to complete the practice problems in this session! I'm glad you keep emphasizing the 3 steps in when solving a question, to summarize our understanding of the text, applying/fitting which sections of it the questions asks about, then eliminating answer choices that would imply two solutions or focusing on the answer that is most sensible (possibly pushing outliers to review last).

Learner · 4 mo. ago

I enjoyed the class it helped clarify some important questions and help me better understand how to improve my writing and prepare for the SAT!

Learner · 4 mo. ago


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