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Sollina A


Joined Feb 2022 · She/Her · 6:51 PM Local

Featured Feedback


Thank you so much for the amazing session today! I loved how interactive and patient you were when answering my questions! Thank you so much, and I'll hopefully see you in the future!

Learner · 1 yr. ago

Thank you, you are a very dedicated tutor and schoolhouse is lucky to have tutors like you.

Learner · 1 yr. ago

I enjoy your sessions all the time, I always manage my schedule to attend all of your sessions because I learn so much on how to write SAQs, LEQs, and DBQs more than what I learn in my classes. You go into so much depth and I love your enthusiasm & confidence in us getting the right context and ideas by attempting to try and provide answers for you when you are writing essays as a sample for us. I'm so glad to have you as an APWH tutor, I couldn't have asked for someone better. I hope you are well aware that when our the day of our AP test comes, the reason why we'll get a 5 is because of you. I appreciate your tutoring. Best, Ruxshona.

Learner · 1 yr. ago

Thank you for your marvelous sessions! Your personality and real-life explanations means a lot to me, I always understand concepts when I'm learning from you.

Learner · 1 yr. ago

Thank you for the session, I loved your detailed yet simple explanations and friendly attitude. I found your tips and advise very helpful and feel better prepared for my AP exam.

Learner · 1 yr. ago

I have no words to describe how helpful Sollina's sessions are. I again thank you for everything you've taught me about a DBQ and going over every single eight of the documents to annotate, analyze, and identify it's writing skill to use for an actual essay. PS. I love your organization when you're presenting and annotating, especially with all of the color coordinates and side notes you take. I find it extremely useful (and the little drawings you make to provide a better understanding when I don't get a point.) I'd also like to give a big thank you for going in depth and never rushing through the sessions, you always make sure we understand everything and stay after the session times to finish if we didn't get through a certain text. Thanks, Sollina:)

Learner · 1 yr. ago

Thank you for this session. I have gotten productive during that session and thank you for that

Learner · 1 yr. ago

Thank you for the session, it was nice and I learn a whole lot.

Learner · 1 yr. ago

Thank you so much! I learned a lot about the process of how to write LEQs and DBQs, along with "Big context" and "Small context" to help my writing. Thank you!

Learner · 1 yr. ago

Thank you so much for this session! I love how you're patient and you explain thoroughly the materials you are teaching & clarifying if I have any questions. I look forward to joining your sessions and I love your friendliness!

Learner · 1 yr. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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