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Amit P


Joined Apr 2022 · He/Him · 4:19 AM Local

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Amit, you delivered a comprehensive and engaging breakdown of the LEQ rubric, effectively explaining each component, including thesis, contextualization, evidence, and analysis and reasoning. Your use of relatable examples, such as the Ottoman Empire and the domino theory, helped to illustrate complex concepts and make them more accessible to the learners. For instance, when explaining contextualization, you provided a clear example of how to relate the Ottoman Empire to broader historical events, such as gender norms during the 1200-1450 CE time period. This helped to clarify the concept and make it more tangible for the learners. Your enthusiasm and confidence in explaining the material created a supportive and inclusive learning environment. To further enhance your delivery, consider providing more opportunities for learners to engage with the material, such as asking questions like "Can you think of a historical event that relates to this concept?" or providing practice exercises, like "Try to contextualize the Ottoman Empire within a broader historical context." Additionally, consider summarizing key points at the end of each section, such as "To recap, a strong thesis should include your topics and the way you'll present them," to help reinforce learner understanding. Overall, you're doing a great job of breaking down complex concepts into manageable parts, and your learners are sure to appreciate your efforts!

Tutor · 1 mo. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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