Michael is an amazing tutor. He was welcoming to anyone who entered his sessions at any given point of time. This series was once in a time in Schoolhouse. I joined the series late after I saw a pop up of final brush up sessions. Luckily with good timing I registered in the series at a time when I was about to unleash something that I guess had never happened, a ruby 24 hour endurance sessions for the sake of our better performance. This guy slept a little, took a small break only so to stay fresh and answer all of our questions. The explanation to all of our problems were thorough and precise, and obviously it’d be as he is a 800 SAT Math scorer. Some of the problems that were taken in the session were really helpful that even some questions of those types came in this SAT. Along with that he also gave me a final, complete, in depth brush up on all Math concepts. Now, that’s a real deal. In fact, not just these sessions but the final two sessions were also quite helpful as these were for final and important tips and experience he had during his takes. This initiative that was taken by him undoubtedly would have helped all those who attended this. It certainly did help me, though the result would tell the real picture of mine.
Thanks for hosting this endurance race and series!
Learner · 2 mo. ago