AP Chemistry: Review Series
14th session
Hey everyone! Since there are so many series that have already been posted regarding learning AP Chemistry in a short period of time, this series will serve as a review of AP Chemistry content that you will have already learned in class. As such, it will be paced based on the topics taught as the school year progresses. This series will start on Friday, August 23 and go until around the end of May; sessions will occur once a week for 1 hour each. Make sure to bring paper and a writing utensil. Also, if you know of any people who would like this session, let me know and I can refer this series to them!
Expect periodic quizzes and tests that are designed to help me make sure you understand the content we have discussed in prior sessions.
I am really looking forward to meeting each of you and starting your AP Chemistry journey!
P.S. You will not see every session made; this is because the session description will be based on what we decide it to be in class.