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Farhan A


Joined Apr 2022 · He/Him · 7:35 AM Local


Hi! I’m a grade 7 student who loves math, science and the English Language. I love to read, eat and analyze certain types of architecture


Jun 2022 - Present








Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


8 / 15 Topics
Algebra 1
1 / 14 Topics


Dinnerbone 9
Xander C
Maxim M
Aayan H
Mia B
Salman K
Gohar K
Kareena S

Upcoming Sessions

Farhan isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Featured Feedback


Thank you for the session! It was great and I loved how you explained everything!

Learner · 9 mo. ago

Your explanations were thorough and intuitive. You gave examples with real numbers instead of only explaining concepts and problems in the abstract. You skillfully helped Anatoli find the answer to his question, working through the problem step by step. One example of your thoroughness is when you explained which numbers are even and which ones are odd. You even included zero, pointing out that it is even.

Tutor · 1 yr. ago

Thank you so much for the amazing session, Farhan! It was really interactive and quite helpful. It helped me understand the topic in much depth and cleared the concepts. I loved how you explained every question in detail and was patient when I got the answers wrong. Overall, it was a great session and you are an excellent tutor! Keep it up!!! Looking forward to more sessions!!!

Learner · 9 mo. ago

Great job keeping Anatoli engaged throughout the session. When helping him find the answer to the question "Which of the following conditions are necessary for the natural number n to be divisible by 6?' you asked him to first find numbers that are multiples of 6, then to check if those numbers match the criteria listed in the problem. That way, he was able to better understand how to find the solution and you were able to clearly see whether he was following along with your explanations.

Tutor · 1 yr. ago


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