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Farhan A


Joined Apr 2022 · He/Him · 8:00 PM Local

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Thank you for the session! It was great and I loved how you explained everything!

Learner · 9 mo. ago

Your explanations were thorough and intuitive. You gave examples with real numbers instead of only explaining concepts and problems in the abstract. You skillfully helped Anatoli find the answer to his question, working through the problem step by step. One example of your thoroughness is when you explained which numbers are even and which ones are odd. You even included zero, pointing out that it is even.

Tutor · 1 yr. ago

Yes, Anatoli got his question answered and could better understand how to approach such a question.

Tutor · 1 yr. ago

Thank you for helping me out, Farhan.

Learner · 1 yr. ago

It was fun to learn something new. I enjoy every session with Farhan

Learner · 2 yr. ago

He was the best teacher ever and I almost liked it better then going to school he even reached me better then school I give him an S for super

Learner · 2 yr. ago

Hello Farhan! Your session was carried out in a good way, you did help the learner with all the problems that they had. This session met the MARS rubric. Overall, a good session. Thanks for tutoring at

Tutor · 2 yr. ago

My today's tutor was awesome! He explained a lot of things to me. I'm not a native speaker so he needed to explain some things from fractions to me, but he had a great explanation so I started to understand quickly I'm rating him and the session 11/10! :)

Learner · 2 yr. ago

Thank you so much for the amazing session, Farhan! It was really interactive and quite helpful. It helped me understand the topic in much depth and cleared the concepts. I loved how you explained every question in detail and was patient when I got the answers wrong. Overall, it was a great session and you are an excellent tutor! Keep it up!!! Looking forward to more sessions!!!

Learner · 9 mo. ago

Great job keeping Anatoli engaged throughout the session. When helping him find the answer to the question "Which of the following conditions are necessary for the natural number n to be divisible by 6?' you asked him to first find numbers that are multiples of 6, then to check if those numbers match the criteria listed in the problem. That way, he was able to better understand how to find the solution and you were able to clearly see whether he was following along with your explanations.

Tutor · 1 yr. ago

You were kind and friendly, greeting Anatoli by name and asking how he's doing. It was nice of you to answer Anatoli's questions even though they weren't related to the topic of the session.

Tutor · 1 yr. ago

Very good explanations, learned something new, awesome expirience Rating: 11/10

Learner · 2 yr. ago

thanks for teaching me about percentages it was fun to learn

Learner · 2 yr. ago

Thanks for teaching me today it was very interesting to learn

Learner · 2 yr. ago

The lesson was awesome. Again I learned new things from percentages. I loved it. My lector was super nice to me, he thought me ways I have never heard of and they were 100x better then mine. Thanks so much.

Learner · 2 yr. ago

Great Job hosting your session!

Tutor · 2 yr. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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